Having your company registered in Hong Kong Companies Registry will not automatically grant you any intellectual property rights to the company name, therefore, you may consider to register a trademark to protect the brand you developed.
Trademark Services (HK$4,500)
- To submit your trademark application
- To conduct trademark search and evaluation
- To give advices on trademark registration and modification
- To collect the certificate of trademark registration on behalf of the applicant
- Plus HK$1500 per each additional class of goods or services (if any)
Note: If there is any opposition (from official and/or third party), the paid registration fee will not be refunded
Materials to be provided:
- A soft copy of the intended trademark (a sign that distinguishes the goods and services)
- A detailed list of products or services to be covered in the application
- A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation or Business Registration Certificate or anything of similar nature which shows the name and address of the applicant.
+852 2115 9253
+852 2115 9252
+86 150 0022 5756
+852 2115 9252
+86 150 0022 5756
+852 6622 0497 (whatsapp)
+86 150 0022 5756 (wechat)
+86 150 0022 5756 (wechat)
+852 3585 5001
10:00am - 5:00pm
(Monday to Friday)
(Monday to Friday)
Do You Know?
Before you decide to apply a trademark, you may consider:
- Is it distinctive?
- Is it a description of your goods and services?
- Is it a well known term in your line of business?
- Is it the same or similar trademark for the same or similar goods and services already registered by others?